The extensive strip out and refurbishment project in Richmond-upon-Thames, London required a unique security solution.
The project brief from the client was elaborate. Requiring a solution that would keep the property and occupants secure, without detracting from the specific design of the building, there was also specification for the solution to offer black-out over the windows.
Equilux, specialist providers of security solutions for prime residential homes, was approached to integrate a number of Equilux Built-In Shutters. This roller shutter is excellent solution for any luxurious residential property with intricate brick features due to the benefits offered with the integrated brick slip lintel.
Only the external walls remain standing!
Simultaneously creating a reinforced layer to all vulnerable apertures through-out the home, the Equilux Built-In Shutter ensures the aesthetic suffers no visual impact from the security shutters. The Equilux Bolt-On Shutter in comparison is a much less suitable solution for such a project as the detraction of obvious security is not congruent with the visual statement of the property.
As the project was a refurbishment within the existing external walls of the property, it was important to ensure that the new lintel seamlessly replaced the original lintels. Working closely with the contractor, Equilux reclaimed existing bricks collected from site, engineering the lintel and applied the shaved brick slips to the face of the specifically manufactured lintel in a unique pre-set flat arch pattern.
When the works to the external skin are complete, the brick slip roller shutter lintels components are totally concealed from view.
Equilux Built-In Shutter Lintel, complete with Brick Slips
All openings are surveyed by a qualified Charter Global surveyor prior to the manufacture of the shutters. A complete set of highly detailed working drawings were then issued and approved prior to the manufacture of the lintels.
Once manufacture was complete the lintels were delivered to site, complete with the brick slips applied, and installed by the contractor as the refurbishment progresses around the building. Upon completion of the lintel installation, the bespoke shutters guides are installed, within the make-up of the internal joinery package.
Equilix Built-In Shutter Lintel; Internal view, the lintel will be completely concealed when the build is complete.
In addition to the brick slip face to the lintels the underside of the lintel provides a fixing ground for the traditional timber sash windows. All components are concealed, completing the traditional and high quality finish that will be apparent once the renovation is complete.
Equilux Built-In Shutter Lintel; External view.
The finished project offered a seamless security finish to a stunning property in the heart London’s most attractive borough.
If you have a similar project, please get in touch with our security consultants for further information on the Equilux Shutter range, or access the Equilux Technical Area below:
Curious to know the outcome of this project? Great! We’ve created a follow up post detailing the second part of the project, available to view here.