Driven by real-life risk analysis and responding to an ever-developing attack methodology, Obexion provides specialist physical security solutions to commercial asset protection professionals. Securing numerous applications, security solutions offered through Obexion are best suited to sectors such as Financial Institutions, Government, Defence and Energy.
Identifying potential risks to a property is a single part of the matrix that security professionals must be concerned with, but increasingly essential to ongoing protection of property, it’s people and assets. Obexion, Charter Global’s specialist performance service, provides solutions that effectively mitigate identified risks through intelligent product development, manufacture and implementation.
Following rigorous testing to the highest performance standards as determined by organisations including the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB), Obexion offers a comprehensive range of products to envelope a property’s shell and interior, including one of the widest range of LPS 1175 accredited products on the market. Each product is successful in its own right; Charter Global’s dedicated Design, Research & Development and Manufacturing teams have heavily invested time and money into the continued development of solutions to mitigate ever-developing risks.
Whilst an individual product may be a more efficient high risk security solution, the most effective and therefore recommended approach is a complete integration of physical measures. Sophisticated risks such as Ballistic attack or forced entry with Power Tools require a higher performance product to effectively protect the building, occupants and assets.