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Stackdoor Shutter


More than 80% free airflow

Stackdoor’s unique pin-to-profile technology offers 80% free open area. This enables airflow for applications with ventilation requirements such as car parks affected by excess smoke and gas. The open area also benefits applications with poor lighting and maximises visibility without compromising on security, ideal for retail applications that wish to promote their products on display even after hours, without worrying about the risk of petty theft.

Certified to LPS 1175

Independently tested by the Loss Prevention Certification Board, the Stackdoor security shutter is certified to LPS 1175 Issue 8, security rating A1 and is also Secured by Design police preferred specification. UK manufactured.

Self-locking technology

Stackdoor’s chain drive system provides self-locking technology, this means the shutter cannot be lifted from any position – even if it’s partially open. This feature removes the need for unsightly and inconvenient manual and electronic locking systems.


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