Security through modular design. Charter Global’s strong room is a certified secure structure capable of protecting against theft, intrusion and armed attacks. It also provides a secure area for storing valuables and protecting people.
The entire structure is made of steel – this includes vertical panels, ceiling and floor components. These are assembled to create a standalone armoured unit, resistant to high-risk attacks. Assembly involves only bolting the structure together without welding on site.
The strong room enables a quick and easy installation, inside or outside facilities, with or without a ceiling/floor, and with dimensions tailored to its use. It can be installed in just a few hours and limits the constraints on site thanks to its light elements and small dimensions.
The strong room can be used across a variety of applications: armoury, control room, panic room, sentitive data areas, security gatehouse foyer, partitions and walls, off-site banking kiosks, and of course, strong rooms.
The modular design is scalable. This means that the strong room can be adapted to future changes to the premises. It can be dismantled, if necessary, and reassembled, thanks to its reusable panels.
Charter Global’s strong room is tested and certified to protect against burglar and ballisitic threats. Approved by banking networks, the structure is certified to strong room security standards.