Bespoke risks to standard applications

Despite there being clear distinctions between the type of risk a property may encounter, there is an ever-changing landscape of threats.
Coupling a tremulous social situation within UK borders with the uncertainty of international relations, every site, facility or building within different sectors can identify a threat that is unique to them. Industry professionals in the business of security will agree that whilst motivations change, technology evolves and risks advance, the approach to physical security has remained somewhat consistent.
Despite this, property risks are entirely dependent on the application. There are several considerations in play, from cultural significance of the property right the way through to how important the facility is to society. No two applications will face the same risks. Yet, performance standards are tested in a neutral setting by focusing on the ability to defend against specific tools categories.
High profile properties, such as a residential estate of an Ultra High Net Worth Individual (UHNWI), will face risks based completely on the profile of individuals.
Celebrities often encounter overly enthusiastic fans that desperately want to be close to them, but not necessary harm them. Political figureheads or government officials may be threatened by an extremist individual that believes their actions have caused a detrimental effect on society. A simple recommendation for residential properties of the UHNWI would be to not allow images or blueprints of the property to be shared by contractors and architects.
Why is it important to protect against bespoke risks?
Performance standards provide an industry-wide acknowledgment that a security measure can physically defend, detect, or relay a direct attack. Security Consultant or Architect Liaison Officer (ALO) will often specify products within the risk mitigation strategy as a recommendation and/or requirement of securing the property. The performance standards are provided by the UK’s leading centre for security and fire product testing, the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB).
In a commercial scope, retail outlets may face a serious attack from Organised Retail Theft (OTR) that has a preferred weapon of choice. A risk assessment will highlight this threat but when identifying the most effective solution, the outcome may be over-compensating for this threat.
For example, a chain of store experiences multiple robberies within a certain time period, all of which are committed using a hooligan bar. Following the risk assessment, the overall performance standard required may only be up to SR2, however, this will not be a sufficient performance standard to protect against levering with a hooligan bar.
This process can also be reversed. If the risks posed to a building are fairly low-threat (i.e. vandalism) but the application itself is considered to be high-profile, security consultants or building managers may have to follow security policies that require a higher performance rated measure.
Whilst this does not cause any harm, there will be a much greater cost than what is required and therefore an unnecessary use of resources.