For individuals of high net worth and ultra-high net worth, securing a residential property can be an overwhelming. Investing both time and resources, perfection can seem too far out of reach with several consequences for not getting it right.
Residential properties, particularly those with severe risk, can be challenging for professionals let along individuals. Due to the considerations that applications within other applications do not face, such public awareness, compromises have to be made.
Equilux, the most premium association of Charter Global, recognises the need for security solutions to work with a property rather to be simply an afterthought.
Incorporating personalisation and architectural compromise, the comprehensive range of security products offered by Equilux are tested beyond industry-standard products.
Intellectually manufactured to mitigate threats including Bodily Force and Ballistic attack, Equilux maintains the highest standards of security encompassing architectural consideration.
Charter Global take a different approach. Offering a dedicated service that focuses on completely enveloping a property with, necessary, high-grade security solutions, every care is taken to achieve success without compromise on aesthetics.
Charter Global understand the securing a home is as much about protecting than it is securing. There is no doubt that properties of UHNWI have higher risk profiles and considerable assets requiring mitigation of theft, but personal residences must remain just that; personal.
When securing a Defence facility or site of Critical National Importance (CNI), there is much less consideration for the final look and feel. A personal residence, even one that may face significant threats, should not be brusquely secured nor fortified so noticeably. Whilst there is argument for the need of obvious deterrents, securing a family home to the standard of a military base would be detrimental to maintaining a low profile.
Equilux, as part of the larger Charter Global service offering, provide dedicated support at every stage a project. From initial enquiry, a committed team of designers, engineers and security professional will support the project to completion, offering advice and technical support. Charter Global’s dedicated manufacturing facilities also offer peace of mind of product quality.